(SOLVED) NR 716 Week 1 Discussion: The Evidence-Based Intervention

NR 716 Week 1 Discussion: The Evidence-Based Intervention



This discussion demonstrates your understanding of the evidence-based intervention in a quantitative research study as the intervention you translate to patients in your practice change project. As you work to find solutions for your selected practice problem during the design phase of your future practice change project, an evidence-based intervention is found through the critical review and appraisal of quantitative research. As stated in this week’s lesson, the evidence-based intervention you are looking for is not the standard of care for your patients. Recall the implementation timeframe for your Chamberlain DNP practice change project is 8 to 12 weeks.  However, the published research you find will have taken place over a much longer timeframe.  A single research study could be 1 to 3 years or longer.  The important element of finding the right research supporting your intervention is that the intervention was shown to impact the outcome with statistical significance.


  1. As a DNP student, you are searching for an evidence-based intervention to translate into practice. Using the practice problem you selected in NR715, continue your search and appraisal of evidence by analyzing one quantitative randomized control trial or quasi-experimental research study.  This research study should not be one that was used in NR715.
  2. Appraise the quantitative research study using the Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal Tool. Transfer your findings to the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool. Do not submit the Johns Hopkins Research Appraisal Tool.
    1. John Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal Tool
    1. Links to an external site.
  1. Include your completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool and permalink to the selected research study.
  2. Analyze the selected single research study and place the information in the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool. Address the following in the discussion:
    1. Identify the outcomes specific to the intervention measured by the research team.
    2. Considering implementation fidelity, identify and describe the steps you would take during the design phase to translate/ implement this intervention in a practice setting.

Solution: NR 716 Week 1 Discussion: The Evidence-Based Intervention

Ismail et al. (2020) reviewed some of the best approaches that may help them achieve
weight loss and increased physical activity among the at-risk population for CVD. In this RCT,
participants tailored MI was compared to routine care for people with weight and high blood
pressure and other genetic risks for CVD. Of primary interest to the study were patients aged
between 45 and 75 years selected from first-contact primary care clinics across England,
Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The study offered a large and solid sample of 622
participants to explore preventive interventions in most clinical contexts.
This study is intense in employing Motivational Interviews in its treatment plan since it is
a patient-centered tool that promotes a patient’s self-motivation to alter their behavior. MI has
been applied to personalizing approaches, and in this research, it was used to provide
personalized tips about lifestyle changes, setting realistic targets for each subject.