(Solution) NR581NP Week 2 Discussion – Collaboration Café – History of Advanced Nursing Practice Role

NR581NP Week 2 Discussion – Collaboration Café – History of Advanced Nursing Practice Role

Preparing the Collaboration Café

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the Collaboration Café.
Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
Include the following sections:
1. Application of Course Knowledge: Review the history of the advanced nursing
practice role and answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail.

a. Describe factors that supported the development of the advanced nursing
practice role.
b. Analyze barriers to advanced nursing practice.
c. Examine either the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials
(AACN) or role-specific competencies related to your advanced practice role
(e.g., National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF),
National League for Nursing (NLN), American Organization for Nursing
Leadership (AONL), or Public Health Foundation (PHF).
d. Discuss one domain or competency area in which you excel and one in which
you have growth opportunities.

Solution: NR581NP Week 2 Discussion- Collaboration Café – History of Advanced Nursing Practice Role

The advanced nursing practice (ANP) role has evolved significantly, driven by societal demands, policy changes, and advancements in education. Such progression is necessary in order to meet the needs of complex patient populations and develop a competent workforce to close the gaps in basic healthcare access, which exist in our society …………………………………………… Purchase Solution at $10